3 tips to balancing work-life as a creative freelancer
Taking up multiple jobs and career opportunities, in your life, may sound productive and somewhat exciting. However, it sure doesn’t help when you want to slow down in life; and find clarity. In today’s blog, I share my personal experience of juggling multiple jobs (on one hand) and what I have learnt from them.
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upgrade your mindset around ‘getting things done’.
Shift your focus to taking care of your mental well-being and find clarity in your daily regime. Be selfish about providing yourself with the right amount of sleep, nutritional health, early morning, mid-afternoon or late night exercise, and treat your personal lifestyle just as important, as your work-life. A healthy and balanced diet, excersie and a good nights sleep improves your motivation in the workplace and with your creative tasks. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Below is my own example and a short video;
I started my week off with a positive mindset. I reminded myself how work will be my financial reward in the long run. I reminded myself that it is good to actually get out and socialise more. At work especially, since I often feel isolated when I work from home. I am sure many small business owners reading this may feel the same. So first let’s think about the positive outcomes of every work commitment and visualise the light at the end of the tunnel. It truly helps.
Key ways to stay PRODUCTIVE for creatives!
2. No room for social media around here…
Social media is exactly that.. social AND media! A global digital forum for us to share our lifestyles, desires and dreams. It can often be distracting, shift our perception and outlook of the world around us and quiet frankly it’s not all real and good news anyway. Let’s be disciplined, and create a new-healthy habit by creating a work-free zone, by logging off and keeping our devices far far away from our desks.
Over to you! If social media is at the heart of what you do as a creative freelancer, what other alternatives could you adapt to help separate from the digital world during your working hours?
3. Work SMARTer not harder
How willing and ready are you to do the actual work? Do you feel like your day to day work-life regime is taking you a step closer towards your goal? What opportunities are there around you that may assist you just a litter faster and closer. Those opportunities around us may not feel apparent, ‘up-our-street’, and they may seem too far to reach. Here is an example of what I did to take the pressure off from working HARDer;
I simply took myself out of my own box, took a deep breath and literally put myself out there. I got actively involved in local community events and I volunteered my time. YES volunteered my time to begin with as a step to networking and developing further skills. Nothing is handed to you on a plate. You have to do the work and cook up one spicy delicious plate for yourself. For those dance artists and creatives out there struggling to find work; show up and be ready to work SMART.
Are you a creative entrepreneur? Are you struggling to find work or a means to create additional streams of income? Struggling to build your brand? Comment below and share your experiences. Ask questions and be honest.